Activities and Assignments

Student In order to facilitate the course goals described on the home page for this website, much class time will be devoted to the discussion of common readings, and films.  For these discussions to be meaningful, all members of the class will need to have read the material and come to class with ideas, questions, and comments that they are willing to share. The more discussion and interaction that we are able to generate the more everyone will learn.

The assignments in EDUC 332 are designed to foster your involvement in class discussion, deepen your knowledge of the issues facing public education, increase your awareness of the variety of reform ideas being proposed, and help you to think critically about what might be done to improve public education in the U.S. Hardworking studentBy helping you to develop new perspectives on educational reform, the assignments are aimed at helping you to enter into the ongoing discussion of educational reform now taking place across the nation.

Please follow the link associated with each of the assignment listed below in order to get more details about each assignment, expectations regarding materials that will need to be turned in, due dates, and grading criteria.

Assignments (Percentage of Course Grade)

Class Attendance/Participation ( percentage of grade = 10%), based on number of in class activities completed.  Total points possible will be calculated at the end of the semester. Your grade in this area is based on number of points earned out of the total number of possible points.

Blog Assignment (percentage of grade = 10%), Total points possible will be calculated at the end of the semester. Your grade in this area is based on number of points earned out of the total number of possible points.

Movie Response Papers (percentage of grade = 30%), Each paper is worth 10% of your grade.  Based on the number of points earned out of the total number of possible points for each paper as specified on the rubric.

Book Club Presentation and Paper (20%),This broken into 10% for paper and 10% for the presentation. Based on the number of points earned out of the total number of possible points for each element of the assignment as specified on the respective rubrics.

Radio Segment (percentage of grade 30%), Based on the number of points earned out of the total number of possible for this assignment as specified on the rubric.